La ricerca ha trovato 2 risultati

28/08/2024, 11:52
Forum: Kove 800X PRO
Argomento: Sensori pressione pneumatici Kove 800X PRO
Risposte: 17
Visite : 2105

Re: Sensori pressione pneumatici Kove 800X PRO

It is so strange that the pairing procedure is not mentioned in the owner's manual. I have also written to the Greek KOVE importer who also replied that they need to contact the factory!
21/08/2024, 16:31
Forum: Kove 800X PRO
Argomento: Sensori pressione pneumatici Kove 800X PRO
Risposte: 17
Visite : 2105

Re: Sensori pressione pneumatici Kove 800X PRO

My front sensor also stopped working. Tried to pair it using the Tinkerride app but only the rear is detected. Changed with a new under warrenty but still cannot pair it. Anyone knows the pairing procedure?

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