The official Kove website ( says the height of the 800X is 875/865
Does anyone know where you can adjust that cm?
Thank you!
Kove 800X Pro Height Adjustment 1cm
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- Iscritto al forum da: 7 mesi
- Punti reazioni ricevuti: 172
- Città di residenza: Panicale
- La mia attuale moto: Kove 800X PRO
- Modifiche effettuate: Antifurto Gemini 954N Plug&Play - Filtro aria sportivo DNA - Girante pompa acqua maggiorata - Cupolino +5 cm fumè - Sella artigianale inserti gel - Pellicola glass display - Navigation Stand (B) Uncle Wang - Valigia post. nera alluminio 45 litri - Borse laterali semi-rigide westwind - scarico completo decat. titanio Uncle Wang - mappa centralina personalizzata
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Re: Kove 800X Pro Height Adjustment 1cm
@tpu Hi, on the .it site ( only one height is indicated as the saddle measurement (875mm). On the .com site we found some missing data compared to the .it site.
We know for sure that on the 800x PRO model it is not possible in any way to vary the original height of the saddle. Except obviously, if you buy customized saddles.
The 800X ADVENTURE model (not marketed in Italy) has the lowest saddle as standard (835mm data on .it | 845mm data on .com) but here we are obviously talking about a different model from the PRO version.
Ultimately I believe that the data on the saddle height on the .com site for the PRO version is "inconsistent". It is not possible to vary the height. Unless they have put two values for when for example you go from the standard adjustment of the monoshock to making it set with all the softer options (slow preload).
You may also find this topic useful, which shows the various differences in measurements between the Rally, Pro and Adventure models: viewtopic.php?t=91
We know for sure that on the 800x PRO model it is not possible in any way to vary the original height of the saddle. Except obviously, if you buy customized saddles.
The 800X ADVENTURE model (not marketed in Italy) has the lowest saddle as standard (835mm data on .it | 845mm data on .com) but here we are obviously talking about a different model from the PRO version.
Ultimately I believe that the data on the saddle height on the .com site for the PRO version is "inconsistent". It is not possible to vary the height. Unless they have put two values for when for example you go from the standard adjustment of the monoshock to making it set with all the softer options (slow preload).
You may also find this topic useful, which shows the various differences in measurements between the Rally, Pro and Adventure models: viewtopic.php?t=91
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